Then we went for a wander around the Docklands - that area is growing so fast - Melbourne is such a metropolitan place after Perth - imagine Perth allowing the freedom of all those tiny eateries down the lanes - we love the atmosphere. The city is so alive.

Then we went off for the reason for going - to see and hear Nigel Kennedy - what a fantastic concert and worth every penny. I consider it a privilege to have heard Nigel once again. His playing and virtuosity just blows you away and his generosity to his orchestra something a bit special too. If I was in the orchestra playing with him I think it would be the highlight of my career. The Beethoven was superb and the encores and starters wonderful too. He did say that he was too old now to go on and off the stage so simply stayed and played us some more 'stuff'.

The plane was on time, the food edible and we got good seats up near the front where we like to be but never are. Grant met us at the airport and Ian's front lawn is looking better so all in all a wonderful weekend out. And it even seems to be cooler here.
Oh Dale isnt Madame Sou Sou wonderful and the place in Brunswick st. I go to Melbourne Etching supplies which is in a lane around the corner. didnt get there this time but will do so when we go in winter, a better time to wander as it was so hot when we were there.
Hi Dale,
Do you ever sleep? your post was very early in the morning, and it must have taken a while to do. I have only just begun to blog, and it seems to take me ages to do stuff. Hopefully I will progress, but I can't see me becoming such a prolific blogger as you.
I hope you don't mind, but I am about to put a link to your blog on mine, I keep telling people about you, and now that I have a blog, I can make it easy for people to get to see you.
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