The last day of the Easter break has gone and I have spent it counting threads, ordering and packaging mostly, although I did get a tiny bit of work done and Ian did do some work in the garden making the sprinklers go further on his lawn. Now that it is cooler in the mornings and evenings we will be able to do more gardening.
Shirley sent me this wonderful purple door - isn't the colour magnificent? It's of the
Canyon Road Gallery at Santa Fe New Mexico which she says is a great place for art galleries.This purple would entice me in. I am very fond of this colour although I haven't worn it or worked with it for years. When we were teaching in Tokoroa we had a bed head (just like the one in Rosemary's Baby) which I painted purple.

Cleaning out the top of the microwave (yes Spring clean time for Autumn - there will be more to report), I found this neckpiece I made for A Bit on the Side, an exhibition which went with Art to Wear in Sydney in 2006. I have 10 books of 21 postcards from the exhibiting artists which I will give away with the first 10 orders tomorrow if people tell me they want a copy. It's a fabulous set of neckpieces from 21 Australian textile artists which had somehow got hidden away (told you I was Autumn cleaning)
Never know what you might find while you are 'Autumn Cleaning'
Have a great week
I can see that I need some Autumn cleaning done in the house as well as the garden!
Still waiting a shelf in laundry for my dyeing m/w!
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