For a girl who never sits in the sun for much longer than 2 minutes, free tickets and t-shirts have a downside. Seats in full sun for 2 hours - the sun was just starting to sink as we left. I managed to keep the shirt on for just a few minutes and then decided Ian really needed it to keep the sun off his head.

Here are Ian and Jonathan - they both looked lovely in Blue. It was a great game even if one had to keep changing hands over ones eyes to actually see anything but 9 tries was excellent - the trouble with Subiaco Oval is it is useless for rugby. The Crusaders won - they just roll on like a well oiled machine.

Thanks for all the lovely email about Marrakech and DHL. Actually DHL have always been excellent and we would have used Aussie Express Post except that DHL told us they would do overnight!
Had an exciting day today - Ian set up PayPal on the website - we get so many requests - and we have just had our first Paypal purchase or sale depending which way you look at it. So now I won't have to write 'sorry we don't do paypal' any more. Instead I will be able to write 'yes of course'
Now that's real dedication--to give a t shirt (that you didn't want to wear) to your DH to keep his head from getting sunburnt.
It's a tough life Dale but someone has to make these sacrifices--pardon me while I stop laughing.
I think you should invest in a sun visor for any future games involving free tickets.
Very glad you're going with paypal. I've used it for quite awhile, both as a buyer and a seller, and have always been very happy with it.
Dale What DID you wear if you gave Ian your shirt? Just your bra???
the mind boggles. On a better note, we have just had record for Adelaide,9 days over 35 More around 38 -9 or 40 than just 35. We do cheat a bit down here and havent been as bad, but could be another 9 days to come. Ugh!!
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