I am involved in a 1" x 1" fabric charms swap (means having to find the one tape measure in our house which still does inches - shouldn't everyone have changed to metric and got into the 21st century?) and these are the first 6 I have received - I think there are 25 in the swap and I will do mine soon. Lovely little things aren't they? The most time would surely be spent putting the eyelets in. I have somehow collected quite a stash of eyelets - I will have to stop fossicking around in my local scrapbooking shop.

Lots of people have asked about what wool fibre I am using for my embellishing and for the houses. This is Finnsheep which is what we put in our Surface Tension kits. We also sell it on its own - it's just that it isn't in the web catalogue yet. Comes in rainbow, red/purple, greens, bues, yellows, a lovely fuschiay pink, autumn, and greys(naturals) - $6 for 30grams - that's so you won't have to email and ask me. I like it because it is nice and coarse - it is nothing like the wonderful 18micron Australian merino which is divine for felting but the embellishers love it and it has a super texture as well. I use it for hand needelfelting as well. The little houses have scrims and other scraps over the wool for a bit of extra texture.
ps didn't the Kiwis do well in the cricket yesterday?
I am looking for 10 or so experimental textile artists to join me in a challenge which I will be ready to start about April. You would need to be dedicated, experimental and like a bit of pressure. If anyone is interested in knowing more, just email me - I won't answer you for a few days but I am just gauging interest. I work away in isolation here and I am looking to push a few more personal boundaries (after the book has been finished). I am sure you can see that my brain is wanting to move onto the next adventure. Not very disciplined.....