Those who have been following my mutterings for more than a year will know that the wedding anni time has arrived again and we are off to Franz Josef for a night out - well - off to Auckland tonight, Queenstown in the morning and 2 nights in Wanaka, up the Haast Pass to the glaciers, on to Reefton to see Max and Nelsa and back to Christchurch via Arthur's Pass and then back to Auckland and home to Perth. We will be back on Thursday. Somehow I missed a day in my planning so we are motoring slightly faster than usual. I have stitch and paper and have set myself a task to create 2 little books while I am away on my Stonehaven theme - one on a khadi zig zag book and one on fabric. We shall see. Plus have camera as well.
For all you right aged people - 1968 it was! And yes - it is us and yes it is all my own hair - it was pretty long way back then and that really is Ian's own hair as well. And my father was very proud of me because I saved him money by making my wedding dress with about 50 hand covered buttons down the back and loads of rouleaux. Those were the days. He was even more proud when I cut it up later and made two garments from it but he took a long time to recover from the cost of my shoes which cost 5 pounds and they weren't even red.