The good news is that the painter came - not at 9.30am (did anyone imagine he would?) but at 11.15 after the very cross builder phoned him. This time it was the boss painter and he knocked on the door to ask me what he needed to do! I told him to phone the builder because quite frankly, if he didn't know, then why is he a painter? I didn't tell him that but I should have. He stayed 10 minutes, maybe 15 at the most, and he will have to return I am saddened to say - he has used what looks like a shiny varnish and slopped it on very thickly - only one panel left to do, you have to understand, but that panel stands out like an eyesore - sticky, tacky, smeary and shiny. Oh dear.... means we don't pay the last part yet I guess. We shall carry on regardless. This little 'extra' has only taken since May 10th.
I spent all morning sending out the newsletter and the next one will be so much easier now that we are using a group. One push of the button is all it will take instead of sending to 50 people at a time. I think that is my excuse for not writing the newsletter as often as I might. I only stuffed up one posting and sent 50 people information on Playways before they got their newsletter. No-one has sent me a nasty email so all must be well. I am now letting all of our good customers go to our website and subscribe on their own but I have helped a few people who have asked.
Lots of rain again today and we are hoping it will ease a little as tomorrow we will be packing up our stuff for the Perth show. Piles of ATCs came in today so there should be a lovely display.
Pic today is of my finished Medieval pocket book - as finished as it will be at the moment. It has 16 pockets and 16 tags all decorated and most of the pockets have something on them. The page you can see had a digitised D so you know it's mine. The cords top and bottom have little beads made with panne velvet and foil. I will come back and fill the last bits later but in the meantime I want to start on my crusty vessels based on my study of the bronze vessels in the Shanghai museum. I asked my friend Kelvin if he could send me a Shanghai newspaper (in Chinese) and because he is anxious to do the right thing, he wanted to know what sort of paper - travel, sport, news etc - I don't really care as it will be in Chinese! I plan to use the newspaper as part of the insides. Watch this space. In the meantime we have a show to get on the road so it will be next week.
Plus - our new shipment of threads - the Whimsical ones - arrived today so I have been busy packaging them as well. In the shipment was a large box of very fine copper foil - quite tissue -like which is oging to be great for stitching on, crimping, manipulating, patinating etc etc. Very exciting. I love it when we get new things I have been chasing for some time.
And for those who have asked - yes we went to our local - the Brisbane hotel - for dinner tonight. They greet us like regulars....