On Sunday we went to Walpole and the Valley of the Giants and went on the Treetop Walk - we have been before - it's a super walk through the top of the giant trees. Then we walked through the Tingle Trees. Many years ago we used to camp at Coalmine Beach which is considered one of the best camping grounds in Australia. You can do a lovely walk around the Knob. The inlet is a lovely place too. I enjoy going down this way. And at the end we found the Nornalup Cafe Restaurant where we had the nicest lunch of the weekend. They deserve to do well - have only been there for a month - there is certainly nothing in Walpole.

This is the swing bridge on the treetops walk.

Here I am climbing through the Tingle Tree Walk. These trees often have hollow insides - maybe burnt out or fungus riddled. When our boys were little and we took them there, they did what all kids do and hid inside. More decorous this time.

Today a big shipment of threads arrived - little spools of our metallics - all 16,000 of them and just think, I have to put the labels on each one. Plus a whole lot more 6 strand floss to make our numbers up to 60 and I have seemingly lost 2 colours so tomorrow mornig I will have to go through them all again. I haven't done anything creative today apart from some knitting tonight. And no, Helen, you will have to wait. You can hassle me though to make sure I keep at it.....
Glad to see you had a lovely time!
We are off to York for the weekend. I've never been, but should be different from down south - hopefully with some wild flowers out with the good weather!!
Dale this brought back lovely memories, I was in WA last year with my daughter and we did the treetop walk and the tingle trees and drove all around the Nornalup area, it was a wonderful holiday
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