In the morning we went to the Maubert markets and bought some provisions - wonderful raspberries etc which we are enjoying

then we checked out the veges - there is something enticing about fresh food spread out before your eyes and we got carried away with cheeses and stuff

one of the stall holders wanted to photograph us in action....

Ian at work on the eepc back at our apartment

the view from our apartment - I can't work out how to delete pictures from blogger so a bit of repetition here but looking over to Notre Dame

the light is wonderful - it is going to be a a lovely day day 3

looking the other way towards the islands

a wonderful sunlit view - no wonder Monet loved the light. We wandered the Latin Quarter some more and I tramped for miles to visit an embroidery shop with very little in it. Came across a Mephisto shoe shop but resisted. No purple shoes Sue - the El Naturista shop said they are old season - the shoes I have are new season! I am wearing them in indoors but sturdy walking shoes for outdoors.
Off to visit the Picasso and Descartes exhibition at the Louvre and then maybe some more wandering. The book stands over the road are opening up today - I have found a a few interesting old postcards for something coming up for sure.
Last night we went to dinner with Annette, Ken and Raylene - yes they are here too for a couple of days. We had champagne and nibbles before we set out. On the other hand, Kazuko and Bruce have been slaving away back at Chez Rollerson getting all the Quilting Arts out - they finally arrived on Friday afternoon at 3pm so we will owe them a meal. It's scarey when Kaz emails me to say they have finished at 5pm when it's only Friday morning here....