Tomorrow is an interesting word isn't it? Perhaps it never comes..... According to the painter he came at 7am although I was working at the computer in the front and didn't see anyone. Anyway it was raining just at that moment so he went away....... When the builder rang at 10am to tell Ian, I exploded and he certainly could hear me. I expect he is on valium now. Anyway he told me I could move in and the painter could work around me when he comes - Monday at 7am - now that is tomorrow in the working man's week so it be interesting to see how the word is interpreted this time.....
But - 'nuff said and I have moved three trolleys in and they look at home. Tomorrow (a real tomorrow) I am going to move my three sewing tables in and play around with the positioning and I am very keen to sew a bit to prove it really is happening. Off to look at shelves very early in the morning.
Having written a little about the book, I have had a pile of emails - I have enough material written and sampled for about 10 books - I am a prolific writer and experimenter - but time is my enemy and whether I do or don't will happen if it does. Does that make sense?
I have another paper napkin to show - again with a grid layer - give a little idea of what you can do.
I sent out the ATCs from Darling Harbour to those people who sent me a stamped addressed envelope today. It was a great exercise and we are doing it again in Perth at the show 4-6 August so I hope lots of people will take part again. You can see the details on our website. Plus we will have the Celebrity ATCs on the move with a few more celebrities who hadn't quite got their act together for Sydney - I know - we are all busy people. We are running a Make It Take It set of workshops every day and Ian is getting that on the web in our calender section as I type on the other side of the table.
tonight we are off to see Midori and the WASO orchestra. Should be a great concert. Then I will be sleeping well getting excited about moving some things!