My working table is fabulous - it's one of those kitchen thingies with a marble top - very suitable for heat guns etc and paint etc and I just pop an old towel over it and iron on it as well. Al l my tools and stuff fit nicely in the drawers and cupboards which open both sides. It was a good buy.

ps afterthought - I found the camera and took a picture of right now similar spot - not as untidy as I thought but definitely work happening on my big table

ps yes I am very lucky indeed to have such a wonderful studio - it makes our outdoor living area just that much more wonderful and the whole area is a super place to relax in after a hard Thread Studio day.
Aussie-Jo - the floor is indeed polished concrete which I love - easy to clean, warm in winter and cool in summer and I never stay still in one place long enough to know if it is hard on my feet
At last! A real studio with fabrics overflowing :)
Looks great :)
Definitely looks a creative studio with lots going on. I love the roly bench. Is the floor polished concrete? Do you find it hard standing on for long periods??
I envy you all your delicious SPACE! My studio is about 8 feet square! It's very interesting to see another person's studio.
Dale a nice studio the kitchen work table is a good idea, Frances
great studio, wish I had room to move in my work room, problem is that I'm just not a tidy person at home.! ( for some reason I am tidy and organised at work)
Aaaaargh! I'm jealous!
I agree with all the above, I now have two workrooms but they are always in a muddle and never enough storage space. Like the idea of the kitchen thingy, could do with one in my kitchen as well.
I love my studio space but yours looks wonderful with all that lovely space and light.
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