Bit of a lazy weekend watching rugby and relaxing - well - counting stock and winding threads and sorting as well would be better. Ian's 'old' team lost yesterday - The Force had a very good win in Auckland so of course he has mysteriously gone back to his roots and the Crusaders. Talk about a turncoat. If you are seriously loyal you stick with your team through thick and thin.
I have continued to potter around with my twinneedling stuff. This is the front cover of my precious book

which I have transferred onto calico sprayed with Moonshadow Mist first and then twin-needled

Another version which you can see is clearer and not in reverse. This one was using the Jacquard pre-treated cotton but maybe if your piece was old and jaded and worn out it might be more like the first one.

Then I have cut it up and rejoined it. I would like to think that it could be seen as recycling?

In preparation for the next stage I have twin-needled some red velvet - which Rae had dyed - Kiss-me. Appropriate?

I have since cut them all up and will stitch them back together - this bag will come together sooner or later......
This is interesting. I'll be eager to see the results.
I love the rich red velvet, the finished bag should be interesting to see, the twin needled Bess is fascinating
How have you done this, Dale? The velvet piece I mean.
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