Yesterday was a public holiday in Western Australia (Labour Day I think) but as we have had our holiday we worked all day. I worked on my Marrakech book since I thought it had to be in Wanaka on 8th March but when I actually read the sheet of paper it quite clearly said 5th March. It went off today with DHL who have promised delivery tomorrow. We shall see. Anyway I worked away and of course my heat gun decided to die so I had to get a new one and luckily there was one in the shop (only one mind you) . Fortunately the oil I bought in Melbourne cured the Bernina of the terrible noise (like I am going to seize up any minute unless you oil me noise) so I could plough on using the flower stitcher and make machine wrapped cords (I prefer to do both on this machine) but I digitised on the Husq and naturally under pressure with a metallic and a rayon in the needle the thread wanted to break. I discovered David (Bestways Sewing) had taken out my big eye needle size 100 and put in a tiny 80 - I never use 80s! I am impressed that it sewed 2 threads mostly quite easily.
Ian spent all day with his accountant's hat on (not happy - I did marry a physicist after all) doing the GST. So the consequence is that the newsletter will be out tomorrow. On top of all that my computer won't network or be on line and we need a new D-Link. C'est la vie (still practising my French for use in October)
Here is the book all finished - this is the front

Lovely to see that Liz Welch is blogging. And yes Liz I do sleep - it was just that I had so much to do (self inflicted pain) yesterday that I thought I should do my blog entry early.
It's now Autumn here - ha ha!
I don't know how you manage, Dale. I hope things calm down shortly, whatever that means for you. Doing what you do for a living probably means there is a certain amount of chaos ongoing, but surely there's a "normal" there somewhere.
Your Marrakech book is just stunning. I hope DHL is faithful to deliver it on time.
I hope Autumn's arrival means some relief from the heat for you. We're just as anxiously awaiting spring here on the frozen US plains. It has been a long, nasty winter!
Dale I don't beleive you! you can't possibly sleep with all the million things that you do. Keeping up with other peoples blogs is a very pleasurable but time consuming exercise besides all the rest that life throws at you. By the way, it is nearly, sort of, almost Spring here (or am I just being hopeful!)
Thank for the link to Liz, I used to go to the same embroiders guild a few years ago but haven't really seen her since.
Dale I would love to actually see and feel the Marrakesh book, it looks wonderful. We now have your heat and still no rain. Awful day here but my parcel from you arrived yesterday, not that I did anything with any of it because I was re housing stuff and moving stuff around to make room for more as you do.
love the book Dale, I hope it arrived in time, the others are right you are sooo busy, good luck with all, Frances,
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