And on Tuesday and Wednesday I went with a few goodies to the WA Quilters monthly meetings. I haven't been out and about with goodies like this for a long time and I must have agreed when they asked me in a weak moment. It is not really worth it although it is nice to catch up with people and have a chat but we really can't afford the time. So creatively - here I am down the shute. I did almost finish a Wild Woman though - just her shoes to pop on then I can get the WW Challenge on the road.
Here are a couple of pics of the Eucalyptus in flower just outside the window in the front garden - when I am at the computer reading, deleting and answering emails, I can see the birds as busy as can be out in this tree. I never know the real names of the trees (biology and botany were never my thing) but it's a lovely time of the year when they flower. Right now the light is shining through the tree and making magnificent shadows.

We have just had a huge shipment of gummy silk cocoon strippings and gummy silk waste and Jacinta has dyed some up for me - this is a super pile of "sheets" - not sure how I will sell them - maybe by weight - but they will be fabulous for working into. I am putting together a kit using the fibres which will be ready for my next newsletter (yes April is creeping up) but this is easy peasy silk paper - no textile medium required.

What am I reading? I am a prolific reader and always seem to have a stack of books on the go. Apart from Contemporary Knitting (Ruth Lee) which I pick up just before lights out, I am also enjoying these 4 - first one is writings about Wellington which I picked up in NZ last time I was over.

This is a lovely anthology of Medieval Love Poetry I found at the British Museum last year. you can see I enjoy the Medieval and Elizabethan periods.

I am not a mad poetry reader but always love Janet Frame so I just delve in and out.

Still working on the pintucking - don't expect a pristine piece as you have to remember that Elizabeth 1 lived a long time ago.
Somehow I told Cherry last night that I would enter a piece in Stitched and Bound - by the 3rd April. Sometimes I think I am crazy..... It's going to be Marrakesh based.
1 comment:
I used some dyed silk rods, pulled apart, on my last embellished piece and was really happy with the effect. I plan to explore that route more.
I read a lot, too, usually at bedtime to slow my brain down enough to sleep. You have a wider range of "reading for enjoyment" literature than I do. I read murder mysteries almost exclusively. Probably sublimination, I don't know.
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