I am not sure how awake Grant was or whether or not he brushes his hair until after work.....

DOwn one street all the houses are off this style - all in varying stages - some have been renovated and others still original. I guess they were workmen's houses a long time back

Here is Frank sorting out his accounts at the garage just down on the corner. If Frank ever goes, who will fix our cars? All the other garages around just sell petrol and lollies.

Can't create a break between the 2 pics but this is the Perth Oval down on our corner - where Jack Johnson will be singing this Saturday. Very close to home.
I am trying to look at my environ with new eyes. Everything is familiar - I have roamed often but you do keep seeing new things.
Grant looks like he either needs a nap or just got up from one. Love the crooked hammer.
nice posting and blog too, will be back :)
Am slowly "fixing your location in mind:-)
Between Hyde Park and Perth oval....how far from little Italy?(I think it's Northgate these days?)
Am very very envious of your studio.
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