Happy New Year - 2008 has started nice and quietly in our neck of the woods and while it is hotting up, we have had a lovely relaxing day. I am proud that I have managed my NY resolution on day 1 by sending out the newsletter for January. You know I only write it - Ian does all the hard work of putting my stuff in semblance and adding pics and making it a pdf document. With a start like this, how could we go wrong?
Last night we actually stayed up until midnight - watched the fireworks which we could see from our back garden. We only managed the first part of Gormenghast - not because we didn't want to see any more but the dvd jammed again - I shall take it back to Planet Video and see if they can fix it again. Otherwise I may have to read the books.
Further to the applique on net - here is another - front and back. This one if a Romeo net with embellisher applique on top and and under applique if there is such a word. I rather liked the underneath side.

Next one a little more experimental - bubble wrap - with a black net applique - reversing the idea. The red stitch is for blood (what blood you ask - not mine)

It's hotting up again. I have finished reading a really good book 'A Year in Marrakech' by Peter Mayne. Written in 1952 but still very relevant.
Happy New Year Dale. Hope you have a creative and successful 2008. Saw the Sydney fireworks on lunchtinme TV news here yesterday. Great... However I think the London fireworks were brilliant this year too.
Best wishes
I hope you manage to get Gormeghast fixed - we all enjoyed that very much in our house - seen it once when originally on telly and again on DVD. Haven't read the books, though, so can't say how it compares...
I can't believe you said this - "With a start like this, how could we go wrong?" Talking about tempting the gods LOL
Good on you for staying the distance to midnight. I packed Mum off to bed at 10ish, Tony and I were in bed by 11, and his ambulance pager went off at midnight! He got back at 2am, so not too bad I guess.
Hope you're enjoying your day.
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