Yes I am back from Melbourne where I had a lovely time. Staying with Mandy was like a 5 star fully serviced hotel where I could even swim while my hostess cooked my dinner. Always enjoy a visit to Melbourne - my 2 lots of classes went well (well I hope they all enjoyed them too) - the students were great and did some wonderful work. At the end of the 2 days of embellisher I think there were some hot motors - but lots of great samples and stuff. I have come back with more ideas - I have a forum week to teach in September and have loads of extra ideas racing around in my head to keep us all super busy. On my day off when I would have been happy to do nothing and certainly not be a bother, Mandy had other ideas and took me to several great shopping spots where I managed to spend some money.... The weekend workshop was very full but again they created some great stuff. No pics as I left the camera at home for Ian to use but I really should remember to take it to Geelong. SO - thanks Mandy - you're a star....
Got back to a couple of lovely new books - well a few more than that but these are both lovely. First one is Intertwined - I love all the super textured yarns and when I get onto my new spinning wheel (when it is cooler) I shall be trying lots of these ideas.

This one - Uniquely Felt - is quite fantastic. I had forgotten I had ordered it but it is jam packed with so much detail and information I could almost be tempted to do some wet felting (maybe before too long)

Last Sunday at San Marco I did my Nana thing and took photos of the 'children' - unlike Nana, they can be deleted if no good, the camera has a no-shake for when I am laughing and even I can take some reasonable pics. In her old age, my mother's photos started to have heads chopped off and she sent me photos of people I had never seen in my life nor knew the names she wrote on the backs. Never mind. I am sure there was a photo of Ian but as he crops them, ......
Here are Kazuko and Bruce

and again

Bruce and Grant

and all 3 of them

and again

and finally Kazuko and Bruce. Mother's perogative to put many photos on her own blog...

Everything unpacked and away and maybe studio work tomorrow - I have started on my Marrakesh book Robyn will be pleased to hear.
- Vale Sir Edmund Hillary - a truly fine man
I know Bruce looks like Ian but he does have a bit of a Richard Gere look about him- especially with the specs on-but don't tell him I said so will you.
Thank you for visiting my blog about Marrakesh.
You would LOVE it here.
Such colors and textures.......there are also dyers and felters and all kinds of things.
A crafter and artists' paradise........
all best wishes
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