Started on velvet applique - very base to start while I get inspired with some ideas but I have corded around the shapes.

Then I stitched some more and stitched straight lines over the top - that always improves something but then I ran it under the embellisher and now we are talking a bit of distressing. Distressing is not only when you are hot and bothered but also what happens to your clothing after many years.

I have been rereading a few old favourites as part of my research - one I had forgotten about is Val C-H's Strip Patchwork. It's got so much useful information in it - I was amazed. Sort of ignored it a bit since the idea of patchwork doesn't grab me but, as always, Val has explored everything.

We are off to dinner with Pam and Richard who have a b&b in Broome but at his time of the year they have escaped back to Perth.
Heat!!! Give me some!!!! Its 1 degree and snowing :)
wow! you are working on wonderful pieces !...and... Wish you a Happy New Year !
What a wonderful dress Dale. I have this book also somewhere but haven´t looked in it for a while. Maybe I must...Happy New Year!
And new banner too - very nice
happy new year, i love the dress and the black dummy makes the white stand out (the beige ones would not do as well) hope you get it,
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