The weather is so much nicer today and this evening we sat outside for a bbq and it was almost cool! I went to the hairdresser today to be refuchsiaed (is there such a word?) and I found this book at Oxford Books in Leederville. A bit of a find for all of us scavengers. I remember the water sellers in Marrakech - probably not doing so well at all in this day of bottled water but they were selling water to the locals and very colourful too. I shall enjoy reading it - lots of places I haven't been to but the chapter on the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul brought back plenty of memories.

I stitched a colourwheel, coloured it in walnut ink and herbal tea (smells nice), ran it under the embellisher and attacked it with the cheese grater and then the heat gun but do you think it would distress nicely - no.

My laptop finally got its new ram today - yeah!!! I can scan, I can bring up Generations without a drama, pagemaker is operating again. I am back in action at last. Tomorrow I shall back everything up. It's like having your baby back home - it has never been so fast and efficient.
Ooh I must get hold of that one Dale. I'm glad you found your copy!
Oh I reckon it was the cheese grater it rebelled against ggg... Never would have thought of the cheese grater!! Thank you for your blog - it's led me to explore a few things recently - I finally got to go and see the notes about the take a stitch tuesday - that is fun. Also managed to find a copy of the Art of Gormenghast for a reasonable cost too - you're right it is a great section on the costume and I added it to my Amazon DVD rental list - to watch again. and now you have reminded me of the Grand Bazaar and Istanbul:) I upgraded the RAM In my Mac this week - and got new versions of Mail and iPhoto - wow what a difference - and I'm so smug that I managed to do it myself.
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