Happy Australia Day all you Australians. I walked to the shops to get the usual stuff this morning and staggered home. i.e. still hot. but we have had a pretty relaxing day and are preparing for our bbq - no Aussie lamb sorry. We are cooking marinated chicken thighs followed by veal, asparagus wrapped in prosciutto, balsamic tomatoes and klipfer potatoes with a good red. I have taken some photos but they may have to wait until tomorrow.

I got this wonderful merino/mohair wool yesterday (a huge box arriving in the midst of the new dresser being exchanged/crockery etc everywhere/a large delivery of wool and silk) - who needs all of this. However we borrowed Bruce and Kazuko's vacuum cleaner and resigned ourselves to the fact that we need to buy a new one (Grant has been using ours to clean the ceiling in his house and goodness knows what else) so the kitchen is nearly back to semblance. Anyway this wool is fabulous - I got in 5 colours - called Fusion - I knitted it/embellished it/cut it up and sort of open wove it/embellished it again and voila - I have a frame for one of my Marrakech postcards (not finished). Progress though.

This is an image transfer of one of Ian's photos which has come up well. More work on this tomorrow.
Today is my 500th posting, I have had over 98,000 visitors since Dec 2006 (when I started Neoworx) from 99 countries. I do hope it is worth your while to read my rambles. And yes, in answer to someone somewhere, I do proofread before I hit the publish button and then I do go back and correct the errors.
Fireworks tonight for sure.
500 postings, 98k visitors, all I can say is WOW and double WOW and thank you as it was reading blogs like yours that first got me into this blogworld of fibre and friends.
Congratulations on 500. I read it every day but am bad at commenting. SAndy
Wow, congrtulations to your 500th post! And so many visitors from so many countries!
I like the transfer from the photos you have done! It´s very fun to do this transfer I think. Thanks for visit and commenting on my blog!
Happy Australia day :) Can you remind me how you did the transfer (if its not a trade secret!) Thanks
500 posts! That is impressive - and I am enjoying all of them. I started reading your blog not long ago, so haven't seen all 500 yet. Glad to hear that someone besides me has to publish their posts before catching all the errors!
Love reading your blog, always something of interest.
Congrats on the upcoming big 500.
I love Ian's photo, especially the purple shadows very effective.
congrats on 500!
Yep, I miss you when you don't post!
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