
Thursday, June 14, 2007


I love shoes and had forgotten how much and how I have always loved then until a friend from years back asked me if I still bought shoes. Not quite as bad as Imelda. But NZ has always had some great shoemakers and this is my favourite red pair - Molly N - which I bought at the Merivale Mall in Christchurch on one of my trips back. (When we were students at Canterbury University we both lived in Merivale - different halves of a house - it has changed a bit now but it is interesting how you gravitate back to places you know) I was actually in the mall to use a public phone box to call Ian back here when I saw them in the window of a shoe shop while I was talking to him. My friend Michael used to like this pair too and I wore them to his funeral because I was sure he would appreciate it. His niece did. They are red velvet.

I bought this Molly N pair the same day - no point in going into a good shoe shop and only coming out with one pair when the choice is so exciting. Please note the sandfly lingering marks on my legs.....

This is what I am wearing today - my Naots. And I like interesting socks too. Sarah Lawrence gave me this pair.
Last night we went to an ACO concert. It wouldn't matter what they play - they are always wonderful. If you like and appreciate good music the ACO is the cream of the bunch. Last night had a fiddler and a folk singer as well - fantastico.


Anonymous said...

Dale, it's an unwritten law that every woman should own at least one pair of red shoes!

Jo Wholohan said...

Hehehee Dale, i think with most women its either shoes or hand bags hey LOL LOVE your red shoes !!!

Anonymous said...


I love shoes too, and yours look so comfortable.


Penny said...

I love shoes too but my feet dont like them much any more, any way this is my 6 months of rubber boots time of the year, and socks inside, I like fun socks too.

Anonymous said...

Dale,I love
red shoes
..Yours is looking fabulous.


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