Well number 51 just got in in the nick of time with 3 minutes to spare! 51 names although 2 people were naughty enough to post twice..... I know these things....
Here is Bruce's sequined hat I bought many years ago in Thailand when he was big on collecting hats, filled with 51 names.
And Ian , in between doing the bill paying online, popped his hand in 5 times and pulled out these names.

Mavis Wright
bec clarke
I know who Mavis is, but would the others of you mind confirming with your address so I can post you a bag of 10 goodies next Tuesday.
Why next Tuesday you ask? Well tonight we are off to Bali - to Ubud - to the same place as the last 2 years with the same villa overlooking the rice paddocks to swim, read, relax (that's Ian) plus draw, stitch, write (that's me). I shall try to get the skirt for my art to wear pretty well underway, work out the requirements and kit for Gilding the Lily without breaking everyone's budget and play with the worksheets for Carla's silliness class. That's one of our deckchairs you can see in the pic. We get the same deal as before - breakfast each day, one healthy lunch, a romantic candelight dinner, a walk in the forest (we will skip this as we did it and it was hot) and a massage or something!

And on Monday it is my birthday - yes Ro - not nearly so bad as we keep going down the numbers - my father always said at 50 you started going backwards - sounds like the sort of thing an accountant would say!
Thanks so much for leaving messages and enjoy yourselves in my absence!
Woo hoo! I won... thanks so much for pulling my name out of the hat! Have a nice holiday.
Have a wonderful holiday. It sounds a divine destination.
Have a great time in Bali and a great birthday.
Congratulations to the winners. Enjoy your stay in Bali and have a great birthday.
Congratulations to the winners and Happy Birthday for Monday. Have a super break in Bali!
I love Bruce's hat and congrats to the goody-bag winners. Happy Birthday for Monday - it looks and sounds like Paradise where you'll be spending it. Have a great time.
Whooopeee, thanks for pulling out my name Ian, and thanks to Dale for the bag of goodies. And to think I nearly gave up trying to put my name in, I had a lot of trouble with the google account. Have a wonderful holiday in Bali and Happy, happy, birthday for Monday Dale.
Cheers Mavis
Have a great birthday and trip.
Congrats to the winners and sorry if I was one of those "naughty enough to post twice" - if I did it certainly wasn't intentional! I may have posted, forgotten that I had, and then posted again another day. Is this what's called a senior moment?!
Have a great birthday. What a super present- a trip to Bali. Must tell my husband I would like to go too.
My birthday is on the 15th this months.
Best wishes
Pian Bates in Sweden (long way to go)
Have a wonderful holiday - you probably need it after all your work. Am trying to catch up with your blog - always enjoy it and pick up interesting points.
Hello Dale
Hope you have a great trip and happy birthday for Monday
Andrea C
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