Today I have been packaging and packing loads of stuff, making small inroads but I guess we will get there. Had Ian outside with his slicing machine cutting up Hot Spots sheets for the kits - so I thought I would play with the spots and all my left over foil. At least it means I have an extra sample for my Gilding the Lily workshop which I am really enjoying working on. Revisiting the Supa Foil which I haven't used for a wee while. The Hot Spots give another dimension to foiling really. You can't go past all those sticky little dots. Used in conjunction with other types of glues or for accents - lovely and such fun.

Snuck down to watch the rugby and see the Blues beat the Force. When the Blues are on fire they are brilliant to watch - the ref gives them a chance which didn't happen last night. The Hurricanes vs Brumbies game was marred by the ref needing to blow his whistle and be authoritarian. Shame when 2 teams desperate for a win get this sort of treatment. Not that I am complaining - the Hurricanes won so I do believe (or so they say) they have a slim chance - or is that fat chance?
I am busting to do some canvas work thanks to Glenys emailing about it but I did say after Tuesday. When that big van is full of boxes and delivered to Sadleir - then I can get back to play and stuff. I think I will go spray some canvas in preparation. And it is Lewis' birthday today as well so I hope he is having a great day although I bet he doesn't even know I have a blog let alone read it. Brothers.........
I've not tried Hotspots but they do give attractive results, so maybe I shall have to buy some!
Wow, those hotspots do look interesting with the SupaFoil. It's always interesting to see what you get up to.
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