Well we are finally back up to date with the orders and have managed to knock off a few other jobs - loads still to do and if I don't work faster there won't be anything to send to Melbourne for AQC. not quite that bad but I decided to create sets for the Moonglow Sprays which I am really pleased with and of course I am like a dog with a bone until I finish it all. My list is long but I shall be burning the midnight oil or something until Tuesday when the palette goes to Sadleirs to truck away to Melbourne. I have just added the 8 WASSIE bags to the list too.
We bought this train for Harry when we were in Sydney at the Rocks - if we don't send it soon he will be too old - tomorrow off it goes. I also went shopping for little bags for my Blonde Moments which have been a little neglected but some will be ready for Melbourne and came upon this giant catering pack of Glad Bake (aka baking parchment) - I couldn't resist it - think it should last a wee while.
Lovely night last night - went to the ACO for a very nice concert as always. haven't seen Richard Tognetti for a while - he has been sending minions in his place so it was lovely to listen to him playing his violin. We only managed to take 3 cds to Bali - one was Richard playing the Bach violin and keyboard sonatas. A change from Pink Martini (Ian forgot to pop them in his bag). We have quite a collection of Pink Martini now - quite different music for us but we really like them. Also bought a dvd which we are enjoying watching.
We are enjoying lovely rain. My icy violet toenails are still totally intact which is amazing me. Ian aka the pink panther has now a spotty tummy which is still itchy.
That is such a cute little train. Good luck with all you have to do. Do you never sleep!
....and breeeeeath......
Keep calm both!
Love the little train - I have a grandson called Harry but he's 20 this year! Hope you get everything done and glad you took time out for that lovely concert.
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