Excitement for 2010 - two new textile magazines made downunder. The above one is Downundertextiles which is just leaving Sydney for here today and Embellish which will launch on 1st March. We will load them to the website this week. (Ian has a big job coming up to add all the new Cottage Garden threads). Both will sell for $9.95 plus whatever the postage is depending ont he weight - we only charge actual post. We already have an number of pre-orders for both mags but do email if you want to be added to the list. I believe that Textiles will not be sold through newsagents (at this stage anyway).

It's exciting to see this happening - when I started The Thread Studio in 1996 I made the comment many times that such a publication was needed. Machine Embroidery (and textile art) started off really well and I got very excited but then it changed and hasn't really got back on track. It caters for a different audience although I do send in my wacky stuff from time to time. I have also suggested a magazine to Ian from time to time but he has always rolled his eyes in absolute horror and I must agree with him that we have more than enough on our plate. In fact I am in the process of dreaming up something new and exciting but I haven't told him yet.
Even better - we had rainlettes this morning - these are tiny drops of misty rain which made the electricity wires crackle as the dust came to life. All gone quickly but it has cleared the air and you could smell the fresh eucalyptis leaves. May it last and not be humid. Thanks for the comments on the yapppy little dogs - Ev - I have the town of Vincent ranger - dog info sheet and they do say they will do something - whatever that may be - I haven't phoned them yet although I can hear them. The guy isn't even there half the time but the dogs are.
It was nice to get the rain today - what I call Scottish rain as that is what we would often get for days on end. It was such a shock to come over here and experience the flash rain showers. You are lucky that your Rangers deal with it, the ones for the City of Gosnells do NOTHING - not sure what we pay the rates for!
It is back to being muggy SOR now though :O(
Exciting post. I'm so happy to hear about these new magazines. And I can't wait to get a copy to evaluate. They sound delightful! And I'm really happy that they come from DownUnder!
Both the mags look good Dale - I would think that publishing a magazine could be a full time job in itself. Enjoy the rain, I'll wish you some more, and good luck with silencing the dogs.
Now they do look interesting. Hope the yapping ceases soon.
I love magazines and agree that we need creative ones.
Just came across this post and wondered if you've got a copy of DownUnder Textiles left? I'm always on the lookout for a decent craft magazine.. I rarely see 'Textile' and most of the other so called craft/patchwork/quilting etc magazines are hideous IMHO!! ;) They look like they came out of a textile sausage machine - all the same and old fashioned!!
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