All the orders are done and on their way and the office is clear. Another lot of packaging got done this morning - lots of lovely hand dyed silk filagree - hand dyed by Jacinta. We used to have it a while back but lost our source but now it is back. Lots of embellisher bundles have also gone off to new homes. Thank you all for your wonderful support and we hope you enjoy all the lovely goodies coming your way. (We will be open right through apart from Christmas Day because as you know we have already had our holiday!) I know many are Christmas presents for yourselves so enjoy them. I have even had to go out and buy my wrapping paper so I could wrap one present for a customer. Means I now have wrapping paper - nothing to put inside it as yet but I might even get the Christmas tree etc up over the weekend. Kazuko was wanting to know where it was so she could put the presents underneath. I am afraid we are never that organised here. Not to mention the christmas cards which need to be written this weekend - and sent. One year when we used to take our boys to sailing regattas on the other side of Australia, we wrote them on the way (half each) but when we returned home I found Ian's pile in the tool box.....
Talking of Christmas cards - Anna sent me a lovely one - thank you. I shall try to make at least one on the embellisher.

For HH, I have a variety of samples in various places and stages so I really feel I am underway at last. I have bought a number of early machine embroidery books from Alibris and have been reading Dorothy Benson - written in 1952 but still very interesting. Nothing is really new under the sun.
I have also had a peep at
QuiltWOW Many people who know me, also know that I am not a quilter (I made one once) but I have really enjoyed seeing the article My Journal Quilt - Susan Osinoff - maybe it's because she has a page from Morocco! Anyway I think the zine is well done and certainly worth it. Maggie strikes again......
Tonight we are off to see Elizabeth, the new film with Cate Blanchett in it. This is the first opportunity we have had to see it so I am looking forward to it.
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