Ian seems to have done something with all the photos from the weekend and he has disappeared for a while so I thought I would share the lovely tile I bought in Balingup on the weekend. There was a decent sale and I bought this tile and a wonderful patinated key - I am sure I will be able to use that somewhere. I did like this tile though.

We went to the Blackwood River between Balingup and Nannup - closer to Nannup to a farm called Tathra. Lots of places in WA have 'up' - it stands for water. Nannup is quite a settled small town which closes for the weekend (ie I could only check the emails on Friday but not on Sat and Sun) but Balingup is more of a little gem in that it doesn't have a bank or important things like that but it it open 7 days and has a fabulous cafe/providore called Taste of Balingup and lots of interesting little shops. I think Balingup was the original home of the magic mushroom. I am not sure if people still go chasing magic mushrooms any more. Sunday was a glorious day weather-wise and everyone was out and about. We had a wonderful time and the relaxation is always very good for us both. It was a mobile no-go-zone all around the area which doesn't really say much for Telstra. Ian read and I read and stitched and knitted and drew and wrote. Looks like I need a holiday when I get back but it is always very relaxing. When we are here we just work 7 days all day - business is harder work than people think.
A couple of weeks ago Luigi and Martene gave us grape plants which we were supposed to plant immediately. They had been nurturing them for us. This morning we thought we had better get into action and plant them so they are all safe and sound in the ground in their new home getting lots of sun and we are off the hook.
We have ordered another skip for this weekend to be delivered up the lane so we can fill it up with dirt. That's when we are not getting ready for the start of the Rugby World Cup. Only 3 days to go!
Off to the ACO tonight for another wonderful concert for sure.
1 comment:
I agree Dale it is a lovely tile
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