Welcome Harley - our new family member - not that we have seen her much as yet. She belongs to our neighbour's nephew who lives in Harley Street. He is shifting to Melbourne and can't take her so somehow she is ours. Our neighbour has said she will look after her when we go away. We were never going to get another cat after Barbara died and in fact had the sofas recovered. This little - well actually rather rotund - girl is about 5years old and this was the photo sent to tempt us. We have hardly seen her - she raced in the door and hid under our bed. Once we tipped it up she had to emerge and then hid in some of the excellent hiding spots in this house. Finally we lost her and went to bed wondering where she might be. About 5am we heard a tiny meow and there she was up in the chimney of the fireplace in our bedroom. Ian coaxed her down and blocked it up and after a quick eat she hid in our wardrobe. However she is a bit cunning and managed to clear his blockage and is now back up the chimney. James did say she likes to hide..... We have managed to pat her and she has purred so I guess she will come good before too long...
More important - we have just sent out the newsletter so if you don't receive yours, send us an email.
If you can catch her butter on her paws.
I see some more interesting than usual blog posts coming from your direction in the future. lol
You'll have to be wary when you are packing stuff!!
I like Heather's comment, that doesn't bear thinking about, Harley going off in the packages! Interesting times ahead. No trouble reading my newsletter. cheers
He's lovely!! Sounds like a bit of a rascal though .. .I'm sure he'll settle in once he discovers all the wonderful felts and things he can play with!!!!
Hi! Dale,
What a lovely cat, hope you enjoy living with Harley. I'D hate to live without my cat, he's such good company. Newsletter came ok.
My newsletter was OK, too. I was told that dogs have masters, cats have servants!! Can't see you in this role but he is sure to bring you joy!
Maybe you will have to change the name to Santa. ( Santa Claus even )
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