Today we finished the flower stitcher book and it is off to the printer - I had to leave out some photos and of course the minute you see it all in print you think of other ideas you could have added. Never mind - they will make it to the web instead. Also - I had a list of people who preordered it and i think I have lost part of the list so if you did, you might like to email and remind me - I am not usually so vague about things. Must have the excitement of getting to the end.

Deja vue - we went to the river again last night for a bbq - looks like we sit and look at the same stuff doesn't it? There were the usual ducks and seagulls everywhere and then 6 black swans came floating up the river and made their way to visit everyone - they looked rather regal and one tried very hard to eat our tablecloth - it was too dark by then to photgraph them but they were amusing to watch in action. And finally a pelican swam by so it was a busy night. Where we go is a lovely peaceful spot by the river.
And no - this isn't Perth - well not Perth in WA - Viv sent it to me - it is amazing how it can be hot and sunny in one place and full on snow in another and we can all communicate so easily. Thanks Viv - it helped cool me down. It's not so bad today.
Thanks for posting that Dale - we're looking forward to seeing the grass gain though!
Or even again!!
Sounds great where you are!
Hmmm looks like you are sending the hot weather over to us Dale.
I like the look of Viv's snow mmmmm
Would you like some Doreen? - think we may have a bit to spare!!
Both photos are beautiful but right now I'd rather see yours!! That lakeside setting must be perfect for a picnic or bbq. I don't know why but it came as a surprise to me when I learned that pelicans were aquatic birds - perhaps I'm just thick!!
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