It's 43 out there in the open air which is the same as the walk from the house to the studio. Too hot to even get in the car and drive to the river for a swim because we will be just as hot when we get back again. My poor garden is not happy - the herbs are all shrivelled up and I have been spraying them with water. The purple waterlily is very happy though with 2 more flowers emerging down in the depths of the pot. It is doing best out of all three.
Ian is working away loading new goodies onto the website because at least he is sitting under the air con vent and with his new computer and Windows 7 , he is as happy as Larry. I have been putting together our own Shiva Stik combos - colours which appeal to me (I have just finished writing an article for a new textile magazine and have been playing with them) and burning away layers and getting ready to work with the wonderful leaves which Lisa sent me. She has leaves, stars, feathers and hearts - they go by the name of Fusibles - that is they come with fusible webbing already on the back and all you have to do is to peel it off and bond them to whatever surface you are working on. When I saw them I thought they would be a nice addition to my stone department so I am planning a Stonehaven page using some of them. They are lovely because Lisa uses her own hand dyed fabrics and the colours will add a dimension for me. Just working out what background I am going to work on first.
Those fusible shapes sound great Dale. Poor you and poor gardens in such oppresive heat. Hope it eases off soon. We are just about to find out what has survived from our very cold winter. I planted several new plants and shrubs last autumn and hope they haven't been killed off. You'll have to push Ian off his nice cool chair and tell him it's your turn!
Don't bother sending that 43 over here!! We already had one of those last Monday.
The Fusibles look great, looking forward to seeing what you do with them
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