What have we been up to today? Well, the weather is not as hot as it has been - we went for a walk and checked out Grant's decking which is looking very good, had a chat to his elderly neighbour who can't speak English and we can't speak Italian so that was interesting. Then we had breakfast at Source, the ecco cafe. Rest of day we have pottered around - practising with the video and the flower stitcher. When the book is ready for sale, we will have some short videos on the flower stitcher on the website. I have been playing with glues and gilding flakes and acetate and stencils and sprays so there are plenty of flakes floating about the studio along with Starburst Spray bottles and glue and stuff.

Then I have been stitching and layering and burning so holey moleys - next layer coming..... The piece is not as pink as that - honest.....
I am glad the park and relaxing on the bench has been cheering - I think some of our heat has marched on to Melbourne but don't worry - we have more to come.
Great samples Dale--I love them both.
I wish my mucking about looked like yours Dale. Both samples are stunning and so different in character. I must use my gilding flakes - they look so lovely. Glad you are a bit cooler. So far our forecast snow hasn't arrived, but there is still time.
love the bright one - cheerful in all our winter gloom
It has aleady marched to South Australia and needs to keep going.41 yesterday, 43 forecast for today
Like the samples.
Yep, it's 43C here (Melbourne)today Dale. Horrible! Sue
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