Playing with my iphone is keeping us both busy - we have downloaded our itunes division and can use the phone as our Sonos controller which is really great. I have loaded some music onto the ipod but the earplugs are pretty silly really and I expect we will only fight about who is using it when we fly. The camera is quite impressive and even Dale-proof - I took this photo of some stony layers I did yesterday - I thought I was transferring a TAP transfer which wouldn't work but it turned out to be just a photocopy - however since I had been applying painted fusible webbing, it stuck pretty well and I layered some chiffon over the top and added a little stitching. It will be a page in my Stone book. Holey Moleys - I am preparing for the next lesson in case you are wondering.
We are all eating our leftovers Dale - I am working out what foods should be used first and planning meals accordingly. We have a hard frost here today and may get snow again tomorrow. Love the Stoney layers. Another thing we have in common is reorganising our music, though my efforts have been far less technological than yours. I'll try to keep warm and hope you can stay cool.
I really envy you your warmth right now Dale - it is freezing here in the UK where I am. We have now finished the left overs thank goodness and I too am having great fun sorting out my music - I got a sound dock for Christmas for my workroom - so I can lock myself away in great contentment and stitch to the music! The stoney layers looks great.
Pretty chilly here in the Pacific Northwest of America...I envy your heat!
Can't wait to see even more of Stoney layers, this is so lovely...
I'll swap you some of our frost for some of your heat ;o)
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