I am back from Sydney - a good 2 days at the Texstyle conference. I stayed in Surry hIlls and on Sunday after it was all finished I spent a few hours wandering around the area espcially around Crown Street. It was a lovely day and loads of people were enjoyuing themselves. Day 1 wasn't quite so easy - too many people and nowhere to breathe but on Sunday I had another larger room with access to power and a place to put all my stuff and we all seemed to have a good constructive time. I hope the teachers who came to the workshops got something out of it all. I flew back this morning and the flight seemed to go on for ever. We are here for some time now and of course we will get restless again before too long.

Back to NZ though - we had a great short time but it was very relaxing and we thoroughly enjoyed the surroundings. This is Lake Wanaka on the morning we left - the day before it was brilliant sunshine but this morning it was a little mysterious.

This pic is of Knight's Point - once you get over the Haast Bridge you head up to here. Often photographed. It was raining but then it often does on the Coast.
Gorgeous photos Dale, I love the stones too - glad your trips were enjoyable. Your pics are a lovely contrast to our oh so wet and windy weather. I can hear my father saying 'Don't wish your time away' but I'm longing for some warm sunshine. No matter where we are, we all seem to have too much of what we don't want!
We did that wonderful trip in winter on one of our ski trips, somewhere along there John said he had the best hamburger ever, I am not a hamburger eater so dont know how true this was.I would love to do it again one day. The scenery was spectacular.
lovely photos. I miss all these pretty buildings and ocean view. Everything here is white covered with snow. It's a good look but freezing! Will send you some pix soon. xxx K
OFTEN!! Dale, it's always raining on the Coast! But that's what makes it such a fantastic place! Thanks for youe photos. They remind me of our trip there a couple of years ago - the wildness of it - the stark beauty of it.
Did you go to Granity? How people could live there amazed me. There was a story about a woman who went up in the coal bucket on the railway and was so scared by its steepness she didn't come down the mountain for 16 years!!
Happy CHristmas to you both, and thanks for your photos,
What wonderful scenery Dale - glad you enjoyed yourself.
Virginia, you must've meant Denniston - Granity is on the coast - Denniston up the mountain. I hope you waved when you flew over me in Timaru, Dale. glad the west Coast turned on a lovely trip for you.
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