You may remember I bought a dummie so I could photograph my Virgin Bride dress. I like this dress - it was quite an innovative slant on silk paper making and machine embroidery and stuff for me at the time and I sent off photos to Lark Books as a submission for their 500 Art to Wear book. I got a letter from them today and unfortunately they didn't enough submissions to be able to produce a book. What a shame indeed.

Here is my book cover -I am a little anxious that I won't get it finished but it is starting to fall into place -I did some more tonight while I watched Dalziel and Pascoe (the empty space high up is now filled with thread) - and I have started on the back cover and also set the machine up to stitch the back of page 3. Tomorrow I will do all the machine stitching so I can hand stitch at night.
Last night we went to a Musica Viva concert which was pretty ho hum. Maybe we have been spoilt in the past with fabulous performances (like Maurice Till and The Prague Quartet in Christchurch when we were students) but the Schumann Piano Quintet lacked that special excitement.
I have stolen this pic of Bruce and Kazuko's water lily since mine has not got any flowers. I have just rescued mine and brought it out into the garden where it is much happier - I expect to see it competing in the fabulous flower stakes before too long!

Thanks Debbi for giving me a Make My Day award - I still have my favourite make my day blogs from a few entries back and I very much enjoy checking them out every morning.
Hi, Dow!
Excellent! I loved this post.
Your Marakesh cover is absolute gorgeousness personified. Too bad about the book not coming to fruition. Hope you're not too itchy!
Dale love the virgin bride on the black dummy, sorry to hear about the book not happening, they could have done a slimmer volume,
I like the way your embroidered book is coming, look forward to seeing more, best thoughts Frances
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