The first weekend of the Super 14 Rugby has been and gone - my heroes ran around like headless chooks and lost by a phenomenal amount. If I recall they lost their first game last season too. This is Jason Eaton who has not shaved since he damaged his knee just before the World Cup but come Wed he is having it all shaved off for CanTeen - definitely looked different!

If you are in Sydney, the wonderful 18ft Skiffs are sailing in their championships. Grant is out in his new boat - SLAM - but I have no idea what it looks like. However they make a great sight on the harbour and something we always enjoy watching but not this year.
Ian is cleaning the gutters and I am supposed to be packing suitcase no 1 before we go out. We fly to Melbourne on Tuesday but it sort of helps if I can get a couple of suitcases done about now.
I am working away on the Marrakech book but it is in planning stages really although I am hoping to take it with me to work on. This is one side of page 3 - I am working on Romeo for the other side.

Here is the cover underway - at the moment I have some flower stitcher rings but I may change this - the cover is based on a drawing of a window cover which was outside our room at the Riad.

This is the back - a patchwork of sorts.

Thanks for all the lovely offers of snow, cold, rain - they must have had an effect as the weather is much nicer today and should be good tomorrow as well. It is even trying to rain.
Lovely, lovely pages Dale. I have a flower stitch foot but your rings look as if they're sewn over something. Is that the case?
Good luck getting ready for your trip. Glad your weather is more pleasant. It's nothing but ice and slush here.
I love the colours and texture of your Marrakech book. I hope to get to the quilt show and see it in the flesh. If you have room in your suitcase could you pop a flower stitch foot in for me???( I'm the one who asked for one at summer school but missed out!!)
Know you are so busy but I have tagged you. Regards Lisa
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