The weekend was spent packaging and sorting and stuff. One of the good things about getting ready for a show is that I find stuff I had not realised was there. I keep a huge container between the kitchen and the sunroom and right now it is very tidy and almost empty. I put things there when they arrive often with the plan of getting to them before too long. Before too long can take a while. So yesterday afternoon the container was practically empty, the kitchen remarkably tidy and we went for a swim at the Nedlands yacht club - we like to go swim in the river rather than the sea which I reckon is overrated. The river is quite salty at present. Then we went off to Luigi and Martien's for dinner and we stayed and chatted about all the wonders of the world and more. Got home very late - it is still very hot.
This morning the tidy situation changed somewhat as I started filling up boxes and remembering more things that needed packaging. I spent a couple of hours at the lockup where it was extremely hot (no air con there) and came back to parcels, orders etc. in the midst of everything else, a couple of new books arrived. Both very interesting and full of many good ideas. Shall find time to have a read later tonight.

For some interesting trivia - in 1996 it was 42.6 today but I doubt if it was as humid.
Maggie was saying she came up with the idea of WOW whilst in the bath. Maggie - the only thing in our bath are the outdoor cushions through the winter for when /if it rains. The Thread Studio came about when Ian and I were camping down on Coalmine Beach near Walpole - the Valley of Giants Tree Walk.

We took our laser down to sail on Nornalup Inlet and used the mast to hold up our lean to to the tent - lost it every morning of course when it was needed for more important matters. one night over our bbq I suggested that I thought a mail order thread business would be a good idea for if I couldn't get stuff I wanted them I suspected others might feel the same. Seems it was the best idea I have had. I also told Ian I thought I would get a new ribbon for the typewriter but he moved onto bigger things like a computer and you know the rest of the story. That was in 1995. We haven't camped at Coalmine Beach since although we have been down that way.

it's a beautiful inlet and the camp ground is one of the best anywhere.
Back to work
Hi Does the Fabric Art Workshops say anything new?
I remember your early days Dale ... I first met you at a craft "fair" at Hilary's Boat Harbour (upstairs!)you had just started out and when I see the size of your stall nowadays I remember back to that day! I think it must of been in 1995! hehe
I think it is the best decision you made also but My husband may think differently.
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