This morning we finished packing everything, filled the van and drove it to the carriers - I went too to help Ian unload from the van - it makes it easier if there are 2 of us. This is the stuff in the van which we loaded onto palettes and this time the guy shrink wrapped it for us - Ian usually does it. When we get to the show it takes me ages to get the shrink wrap off and I get quite dizzy. When we did the show in Sydney last year we sent 4 palettes of stuff so this lot looks a little puny by comparison. I was fascinated to watch them lift the huge containers and swing them over the top of my car...... with me inside listening to music trying to keep cool while I waited for Ian to finish the paperwork.

Anyway the house is clean and tidy and tomorrow I will be able to get back to my Marrakech book which has been inactive while I got all of this business stuff done. While I was looking through my photos for the one I want to print and stitch, I came across this lovely city scape which we took from our rooftop. Don't you love the colours.
I am also putting together my Wild Women and Friends little extra catalogue for Melbourne - we have had some glorious charms highly suitable just arrive including fabulous double sided faces which you can thread from top to bottom of from side to side.
When I got home I took some pics of the eucalyptus which is in our garden but which hangs over the front fence. It has wonderful bright red pods which open up to these lovely yellow flowers. it always smell fantastic when it rains (hint hint to the weather man)

Having sat on 99 countries for ages my counter has suddenly rushed to 101 and I can't work out which the new 2 are as the countries seem to change around on the chart.
Finally Carla asked where she could buy my book in US - you can buy it direct from us Carla - we have been sending them all around the world and they seem to arrive in record time.
I would be more than happy to send you some snow and cold air if it were possible for me to do so. It's hot and humid here in the summertime, so I know how you feel.
Love your Marrakesh Picture
we are currently visiting our son in New York.
It is so cold!
I think your tree is an Illyarie, which is native to the Mid West area, they are all out in flower at the moment and are quite spectacular.
Dianne Ceray
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