Ian has been playing with my eee PC - had a few problems but all is well right now. He has been taking photos and loading them on and sending them to me. This is our kitchen almost tidy - the stuff you can see in the left hand back is what I have to package still and through the door is our sunroom aka storage getting tidier by the day. It is going to be great to take away weighing less than a kilo and easy to operate and I can load pics to the blog when I am away as well.
Today lots of exciting goodies arrived including the new Opulent Paints - hopefully they will be on the web very soon. 24 colours today but 4 Interferons to come. Very exciting. We also received our shipment of the Quilting Arts dvds at last - I will try to get to view some of it tomorrow.
Tonight we are off for a family dinner at GoGos with the camera - we need to make a big card for Max's birthday.
Not looking at the stuff in the background only those lovely tiles in the kitchen and the clean oven door as well.
I love peeking into someone else's kitchen. Glad the new computer is working out.
Home again and in one piece, I had to look up what an eee pc was and then told John I wanted one much to his horror, these new paints look wicked, more money to spend! Love what you have been doing, I think it will take me a few more days to feel normal, whatever that is. Have hit the ground running but need time to myself!.
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