
Saturday, March 17, 2012

relaxing on a saturday evening

 Here is Harley being a potted cat - her latest trick is to sit in the pots - I think she is hoping the birds don't see her and she might get lucky but our birds have all been around longer than her. When she is not in the pots she is in charge of all the doors. Last night she jumped in the bird bath - fortunately for her - no water in it.

I had a lovely workshop today - hope they all enjoyed it too - lovely people. We played with lots of different silk fibres and Starburst Sprays - of course. I didn't realise it was going to be quite so warm today until someone mentioned it was 34 so at that point my feet felt tired and hot and I turned the air con on - as you would.


Heather said...

Harley looks very settled in that pot and can keep an eye on all the comings and goings.
It sounds as if the workshop went well inspite of the heat. I love silk cocoons and carrier rods.

liniecat said...

Not so much the potted shrimp pate, more the potted cat lol

Lexa said...

Looks like fun Dale. Can't wait till May when you come here. Doubt that heat will be a problem!

Judy said...

Dale, Having your workshop "at home" as it were must have been a bonus when you didn't have to travel home with those tired feet. Lovely potted Harley, defineatly trying to convince the birds she's just part of the landscape.


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