
Saturday, February 18, 2012

spray spray spray

 Have I got dirty hands? Yes...
I did say I was like a dog with a bone when I decide to do something - I have sprayed all the Starburst Sprays and tags and little mulberry paper roses for mounting onto a few boards. They do look beautiful if I may say so myself. Because all the colours are 2 tone you get a wonderful contrast shimmer. My fingers don't look quite so exciting though and we are off out to dinner - I will have to hide my hands under the table.

Here's a close-up

It might seem that such a job shouldn't take too long but with 90 you get confused . but I didn't do any twice. I just had to get Ian to check with me at 80 to find the last 10. And I wrote the names on each tag.

Then I sat outside and rewarded myself by doing a little sketching. This morning I went for what I thought was reflexology (it was a gift voucher - not my Christmas one - I am still off for that one) but I ended up with a pedicure and purple toenails.....


Robin Mac said...

You are not going to get purple hair to match are you? The tags look lovely. Cheers

Heather said...

Your little rosy tags are so gorgeous Dale. I've been using oil pastels and ink, and my hands look dreadful. Thankfully I'm not going out to dinner, but you could dress up and wear long evening gloves!

Sandy said...

You're an artist. You're supposed to have messy hands. They look so nice too.


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