
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Another day to enjoy

Mysterioso - the entry to our house Le Jujubier at night

Rosemary bush just outside our gate which we have been using. There is still a lavender spot here and there even though the season is over - just enough to run your fingers through.

Today we went to the Village des Bories -

I love how they stacked the limestone - and clever little windows and cupboards - they wouldn't have seen it that way!

Bit dark but tonight we went to Le Verandah - fabulous local restaurant - this was our Rum Baba

When I am away I have too many things I want to do - I have started on my sketchbook - have been hand stitching - layering fabrics etc and here is my slushie and fabrics for some nuno felting - actually all laid out and ready to go.

We have spent a lot of time roaming the many 100s of tv channels for one showing the rugby tomorrow but it does look like we will have to watch the live streaming

1 comment:

Heather said...

More lovely 'ooh' and 'aah' images. Our weather has perked up a bit so I don't feel quite so envious this morning! Thanks for sharing it all with us.


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