The Lincoln Street (that's on our corner) Sewer Vent, Highgate, was constructed in 1935 as a type of experiment for venting the unpleasant acid-bearing air from the sewerage system more simply and efficiently. Needless to say the experiment was hailed as a dismal failure.
he Metropolitan Water Supply and Drainage Department under the direction of Chief Engineer of the Public Works Department, Russell Dumas (Dumas House fame), decided to build two sewerage vents in Perth, one in Subiaco and the other in Highgate. The 38m Art Deco vent at Highgate was built on the corner of Lincoln Street on the site of the Highgate Hill Police Station. A perfect location because it was high on a hill.
But the experiment wasn't a complete waste of time. In 1941 during World War II the Highgate sewer tower became the perfect location to hide and camoflague the antennae used by the Police Wireless Service. The central wireless section which was used within the police force was moved from the Police Headquarters to the Highgate Police Station and the antennae placed on top of the vent (hidden from view). The location of the wireless section was kept secret at the time, as it was considered a prime bombing target after Japan entered the war. The wireless section remained at Highgate until 1975 when it was removed and transferred back to police headquarters in East Perth. The antennae are still attached to the tower.
At least we always know we can find our way home if we are ever lost! We are on the other side of the two storey white painted apartment block.
Aha so when I finally get to Perth I just look for that and head towards it!! Then I hope you and Ian will be home waiting to welcome me with open arms and a good glass of red! Probably so I can spend more money than I should.
What fun.
I haven't been able to leave comments for you for several posts and now can't remember what I wanted to say! Daren't go back to reread your blog incase I can't get back here again. Technology - ugh! This is a very interesting post - I think here in the UK we forget that Australia was a prime target for Japanese bombs during WW2. Glad you don't still have the awful smell problem any more - that must have been horrendous.
I found this bit of history interesting,and as is quite often it proves that there is more to the story than meets the eye. Thankyou for this. Dorothy
Thanks for a fascinatingpiece of Perth history.
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