Lots of lovely rain here and the 2 precious Luigi grape vines are growing very nicely. Bruce is in charge of the watering as it is predicted 31 here on the weekend and things get dry quickly. If all else fails he is under strict instuctions to save the vines or we will be dead meat.

I finished my Rust Resolved 1 piece - totally worked on the embellisher - I have a few others at various stages for machine and hand stitch. I wanted to work on and with the fine merino batts to see how they came up - very pleasing and I also have fine nobbly noils which are great for texture. I am working on an Inspired By series - you don't have to copy anything but with lots of drawings and play it means you will have your own stack of resources to draw on when you come back to what inspired you in the first place. Val C-H had plenty to say on this. The more you can draw on your own inspirations, the less likely you are to copy other people. And you are then developing your own personality and not some one else's ego.....
The rugby - not much more to say except that I still think the All Blacks are fabulous and I feel for the players - and I am pleased to see that the pasty Barnes (the ref) will not be involved in any more games this tournament. Go the froggies.
I might post while I am away if I can but back on 26th - really looking forward to seeing so many people at Ally Pally including my good mate Sarah Lawrence and of course Maggie. And looking forward to all the exhibitions - it is a great show. Followed by the trip to Marrakesh - I have wanted to go since I was little. I have my sketch book, koh-i-noors and moonshadow mists (can't leave them at home) packed, my camera and my NEW mobile phone - yes we have a new one each and will now not be the ONLY people in London without a mobile phone. All these exhausting new skills.
Hope you'll enjoy your trip ! On your way to Marocco, you'll probably fly over me :-)
what more can i say but 'swing low those sweert chariots!
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