good plans of mice and man always go astray and I didn't get back yesterday but I have been working away on my 3 downunder postcards - well quite large postcards really. Not quite finished as I am printing bits and pieces and stitching and burning and have my eucalyptus leaves to add next. In the meantime I have loaded a mass euclyptus leaf piece I made a little while ago whichI had temporarily lost. And no - the electrician did not turn up this morning and even the builder is annoyed - he only has to finish off and then the painter can come in and finish off. Something faulty with the power though - Ian took the vacuum cleaner up last night to clear some of the dust off the floor and blew the fuse. Another little job for the electrician to do.
Should have at least one finished postcard to show tomorrow. I could be faster if I didn't also work on other things. Creating another page for my Medieval Magic book as well.
looking good Dale, its amazing the work you are putting in to each postcard
Hi Dale
What is this medival magic book your talking about ?
sandy - it's just a book of stitching with an emphasis on the medieval period that I am making - very slowly in between. Margaret Talbot's work always inspires me and I play around with medieval tiles etc. I thought it was time to make a new page so watch this space.....
The postcard is looking good Dale and I can't wait to see your Medieval Magic book. What a pain your electrician is!
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