It's very warm and quite muggy in Perth today and we are clearing up some of our back log in readiness for our trip to China tomorrow. One of the good things for me is that when we go away I clear the decks in my office space (aka half the dining room table) and finish little jobs I don't really want to do.
Since it's mothers day today, I thought I would bring some laughter to your lives by sharing a couple of photos of the young Dale (still looking for the Shirley Temple pic). My mother sends me these little gems from time to time as she goes through her albums and decides they should move to their lucky owners. I phoned her today - she is 91 and hoping that she is 92 but this is not to be until September. She was playing the piano when I phoned so I was lucky she heard me as she is mostly deaf. On the other hand she was waiting for me to phone. She will now be waiting for a postcard from Shanghai.
The photos are from the period in your life when your mother wants you to go to ballet classes, imagining that one day she will see you dancing Swan Lake. Not to be as you can see. The top one is Dale and a luckless girl called Jennifer being dutch dolls and in the bottom one I am the happy soul with the cross marked on the photo by my mother in case I had forgotten who I am. I think that is the said Jennifer in the same costume beside me. I cannot imagine I lasted long at ballet - I guess we were supposed to be fairies of some sort. Later on - I have just noticed that Jennifer has much nicer shaped ankles (and legs) than me - bad luck Dale.
Anyway, even though we don't take these sort of occasions seriously in our house it was very nice that Grant phoned and Bruce and Kazuko are taking us out to dinner tonight. By then our bags will be packed and we will be off.
See you next week - hopefully with lots of stitching and drawing done and some good pics to show
Thanks for bringing a smile to my face Dale. I love the pics. I don't have good legs either and had a very bad experience in my early teens :>) I'll tell you that one when you come back from your hols. Have a great time.
Thanks for sharing the pics!
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