This morning I looked up the Shanghai Museum on the net and now I can go and see the bronze collection whenever I like. Here are two photos Ian took of a bell and a container both very near to our hotel. I love them both so I am sure you will see them crop up somewhere in my work before too long. Can't you just see the fun I will be able to have with my soldering iron and everything else?
Ian picked up his photos this afternoon - this is a night shot he took of Nanjing Road instead of the postcard - every time we went there it was like this from early in the morning until late at night.

One thing I found out whilst in China checking my emails is that I could not access my blog nor could I get to Yahoo groups. I imagine they are both censored. I tried on several occasions and Kelvin tells me he has never been able to access my blog. downunderdale must sound subversive??
Off to dinner with friends tonight so I will pop some more on tomorrow and write about some of the other things we did and saw in Shanghai.
Lovely bell!
Can you blame the Chinese for blocking anyone that belongs to AD?
I look forward to seeing more photos from your hols.
Your pix and tales are almost as good as being there. When do we get to see the new threads?
lol Mags, I was just thinking it's a shame they can't experience the liberation!! did you get the ATC's from us all ok Dale?
(love the bronzes you've posted here btw)
Yes I got all the ATCs thank you all very much - they are allo ver the kitchen floor along with everything else.....new threads soon....
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