
Friday, November 23, 2012

Fibres Day tomorrow

 Two magazines arrived today -  this is Art Quilting Studio and I can see it is a really great issue - articles by all sorts of interesting people - I have had time to turn the pages only but I shall enjoy it - on Sunday.

 and Sew Somerset arrived as well. This is such a delightful mag - whimsical I think is the word to describe it. I shall enjoy reading this on Sunday too. We have posted all the mags to the people on our list with a few of each to spare.

Why Sunday? Because tomorrow is our Fibres Day and we have just started setting things up. If you are in Perth we look forward to seeing you - all of our fibres will be out of course and things which relate to fibres and a few things which don't really - only if you stretch a point. Of course if you make felt, you need to hand stitch don't you? Well I do.... Plus remember that if you spend $50, your name will go in the shoe box for a draw at the $100 spending voucher.


Heather said...

Have a great day tomorrow - we have sunshine today which makes a change after really too much rain. Never satisfied!

Judy said...

Dale What joy 2 mags on the way, been trying to define Sew Somerset and what I gain from it, and you hit the nail Whimsy, so necessary to my life. Hope the Fibre Day is a hooting success for you.


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