Wow - a painter came today and painted all the outside walls with a wash - the colour is Stone I think. Looks really great - Ian took these pics in the late afternoon. Tomorrow we are going to wash the floors and I am going to move one of my dollie models in to be security guard until the door handles are in. Then just the electrician, the skirting boards, the last paint finishes, the sink and the paving and I will be cooking with gas.
Off to have a lovely meal cooked by my Italian mate Luigi of the lolly wrappers - no doubt I will come home with more.
That looks great, Dale. I am sooooo jealous. (don't have a studio)
Yes Shirley - I am very very spoilt - it is going to be so wonderful and Ian is looking forward to our having part of our house back again. No more painting and silk papermaking in the kitchen and the heat gun and soldering iron safely away from his eyes. Shiva paintstiks and wet paint and everything else safely out of sight.
And space to breathe....
That lake picture is truly amazing Dale... just like a mirror.
Like the others, I am also a little jealous of your new workspace. (not really jealous as that would mean I begrudge you having it... but I would like same please! grin)
Dorothy (the real)
This is fabulous, makes my one wall of space seem puny,I bet you cannot wait to take up residence, will you have an intercom to speak to Ian, occasionally
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