Not a sighting of an electrician or an architect today - I think that when these people do turn up one should make them stay until they have finished the job. So won't get to see all the lights on today. I have spent most of the day printing pages for the latest kit I have finally got ready - Illuminated Manuscripts. Takes ages to package everything and soak the tissutex and print the pages. I am doing a variety of different pages so I don't get bored. The above picture is one of the manuscript pages I have here - it comes from a book on medieval music which I won at primary school. Should never throw anything out.
I am well over half way with the twin needling though. However my list of things to do never goes down - I seem to keep adding to it. I have been writing an article on using Shiva Paintstiks for the Aust Machine Embroidery and Textile Art magazine to try to help the textile art part along. Not a project but I am going to make some tiny cushions so that it manages to fit the embroidery format. Simple information is not allowed to be enough it would seem.
Loopy Lace - the round robin is for the Aust branch of the UK Computer Textile Design Group (link on our website) - designbitesdownunder. My contributions have been sparse which means I have a lot to catch up. I keep reverting to letters it would seem. My journal is Hundertwasser and looking at the contributions on the website it is looking very nice indeed.
1 comment:
Hi Dale, was just having a look at your web pics and love the "relic" series you've done. They are scrumptious. good luck with getting the electrical stuff finished!
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