I am working away on my Art to Wear and my ideas are slowly falling into place. Still needlefelting on scrim (the muted back side is interesting too - quite a contrast and I may use it as well) but also twin needling a wonderful piece of hand dyed silk velvet - nothing like twin-needling a metre of fabric. As you can see I have only stitched a bit so far. I plan to cut both up and join them up with knitted and crochet bits and pieces for a fitted vest/bodice. Hence the threads lying on the surface. Might even try some hairpin lace work somewhere too. It is interesting that this is back in fashion - never did any when I was young but my mother was a whizz and everyone had hairpin lace duchess sets - all beautifully starched. A while ago I persuaded her to give me pins so I have the tools at the ready. Can't say we were crazy about the duchess sets at the time though. The other day I saw a pattern for a hairpin lace skirt...
And Sally makes a wonderful hairpin lace bracelet using wire and beads!
Goodness me, twin needling a metre of fabric. Dale you are a patient artist! Fantastic colours you have choesn, and the mixture of textures is to dye for.
Maggie H
Dale, you do know you are getting me all worked up here? I don't have a felting machine. Yet!
Hairpin Lace? I have to conquer the tatting first.
Those are beautiful colours. Can't wait to see the finished art.
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