Well - Thursday has been a day and a half. First our server has had mega problems and our website and emails have been down since before midnight last night. The mails are starting to dribble in but the website is still not working - I think they have lost a lot of data - I have been checking the sent box in their webmail which used to have 400 emails but now has none - the wonders of the modern world.... I only wanted to access one.... Plus the reason my photo has disappeared from the blog is because it comes from our website.....
On the studio front the new wall extending from the studio betwen our place and next door is all finished and bagged and will be painted with the outside of the studio when the painter comes back next week. So we are indeed getting closer and closer and if you could see the mess I am currently working in, you would be very happy for me. The two pics I have loaded are of the work today and it sorts of gives us a nice closure. We sat outside tonight and enjoyed planning the planting etc.
I managed to make my 5 ATCs for QA and they will go tomorrow fasta post but I think I shouldn't show them yet. I can't do these things in bulk - I like to think of them as individual little beings.
I have just clicked your website now and nothing there yet unfortunately for you. It must be worrying for you with a business to run. I hope everything can be retrieved very soon.
That patio outside your studio looks very nice and cool. I'm wondering what time of day you took your photos?
the photos were taken in the late afternoon Margaret - I guess that's the setting sun you can see...
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